Schlagwort-Archive: moin2.0

Setting up moin2.0 Development environment

Now this is gonna be my first article in english so please don’t be mad about
that bad spelling ;). So today im going to tell you how to setup moin2.0
Wikiengine for development. Because i had to figure it out myself i thought
its going to be easier for other people if they don’t have to reinvent the
weel once again. Okay now lets start to set things up. First you have to clone
the moin2.0 devel repository it’s hosted on bitbucket so you might have to install
mercurial first. On Debian based machines it works most of the time simply just to
apt-get the mercurial pagacket:

 sudo apt-get install mercurial

When this is done you can go ahead and clone the devel repo (you might first want to
change to the directory where you want to clone the repo e.g /home/user/Development):

hg clone ssh://

Generating the html doc’s

In my case i had to build the doc’s first because i needed orientation for the Moin2.0
structure and how it works internaly. So i needed to install the sphinx package first
(MoinMoin2.0 uses sphinx documentation builder for doc generation):

sudo apt-get install python-sphinx 

in my case it worked out for me so i could go ahead and generate the html doc’s.
The documentation files in the Moin2.0 repo are usually in the „docs“ directory
so you have to go into that directory and type:

make html

This builds the html doc file’s. You could also buld latex documentation and
some other’s, you can give yourself an overview just by typing:

 make help 


  dirhtml    to make HTML files named index.html in directories
  singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
  pickle     to make pickle files
  json       to make JSON files
  htmlhelp   to make HTML files and a HTML help project
  qthelp     to make HTML files and a qthelp project
  devhelp    to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
  epub       to make an epub
  latex      to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
  latexpdf   to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex
  text       to make text files
  man        to make manual pages
  texinfo    to make Texinfo files
  info       to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo
  gettext    to make PO message catalogs
  changes    to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items
  linkcheck  to check all external links for integrity
  doctest    to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)

It can take a while to build the docs so be patient. Sphinx might also complains
about missing python libary’s but don’t bother about that, they might not be
nessesary for your development works with Moin. And also the moin2.0 repo comes
with all Core documentation files for generating at least the most important parts
of the documentation.

Setting up Moin2.0 for development

Just run the Script in the root of the repository, it takes
a while to get and install all the packages. Thats also because the Script
installes a virtuel environment, so that you can allways just clone the repo
set it up and start writing code. Also all the depencys are setup in the right
way. When the Script is done you can change into the virtual environment simply
by dropping this one:

source env/bin/activate

Your prompt should now look something like this:

(env)cosmo@lazerbeam ~/Development/python/moin-2.0 $

Now you are in the virtual environment and now some commands should be dropped:

moin index-create -s -i 

for creating the initial index, otherwise the wiki won’t come up. And for some
initial content:

 moin load --file contrib/serialized/items.moin 

And finally building the index you just created:

 moin index-build 

Creating a development Setup

So now i wantet to do an development setup for moin, so i wanted to enable
debugging of course. So i created two new files in the basepath of the repo,
the first file is called „“ and the second is called
„“. The content of wikiconfig_local goes as follows:

from wikiconfig_editme import *

this simply loads the wikiconfig_editme file. The contents of the
looks something like this:

from wikiconfig import *

class LocalConfig(Config):
    configuration_item_1 = 'value1'

MOINCFG = LocalConfig
DEBUG = True

(Taken from the original file). So now we have our development setup
ready we can try to start the local moin development server (usually runs on
Wich is quite easy just run the „moin“ command and the server should come up. Alternatively
you also can pass the moin command the help key word so some help should come up:

$ moin help
  account_create              This command allows you to create a user account
  account_disable             This command allows you to disable user accounts.
  account_password            This command allows you to set a user password.
  import19                    Import data from a moin 1.9 wiki.
  index-build                 Build the indexes.
  index-create                Create empty indexes.
  index-destroy               Destroy the indexes.
  index-dump                  Dump the indexes in readable form to stdout.
  index-move                  Move the indexes from the temporary to the normal location.
  index-optimize              Optimize the indexes.
  index-update                Update the indexes.
  item-get                    Get an item revision from the wiki.
  item-put                    Put an item revision into the wiki.

When you want to start development actively a good starting point in the docs is:


Wich holds all the neccesary information for upcoming devlopers.


MoinMoin Homepage
Moin2.0 Dev repository:
Online docs‘:
Issue tracker:
And for code reviews use

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